Life Coaching - Price Structure
Life Coaches charge fees that are comparable to other highly trained professionals. As a Psychotherapist for over 25 years in addition to being a Life Coach, I am highly trained and skilled in listening without judgment, operate with strong ethical principles and have facilitated sessions for hundreds of people to further enhance their skills in every major life area. My price structure is as follows:
- ½ hour Life Coaching Session which includes a pre-arranged one-to-one individual telephone session = $100
- Discounts for 4 sessions in a month = $350
- Shorter in-between session calls (15 minutes or less) = $50 each
- One e-mail between sessions to answer questions or concerns at no extra cost to you.
To maximize the effectiveness of your coaching, it is recommended to arrange at least 2 sessions per month. It is difficult to gain momentum in the achievement of your goals if too much time has elapsed between sessions. Just like learning a new skill in any area of one’s life, Life Coaching works best under the right circumstances. You can maximize your time with your coach if you focus on the achievement of one attainable goal at a time. Since you set the goals in partnership with your coach, you will have virtual control over your individual results. The length of time a client benefits from Life Coaching varies from client to client and depends on the numbers and types of goals one wants to achieve. However, in my experience Coaching ranges from 3-6 months for the achievement of a primary goal in one major life area and progresses to more lengthy time frames as the goals get more varied and complex. Most clients make at least a four month commitment to the process.
All fees are calculated in U.S. Dollars
You can pay either by Credit Card or through Paypal. Payments must be made in full prior to coaching sessions. In certain situations a sliding scale may be made available to clients if agreed upon prior to coaching sessions. For other payment types, please contact me.